
The Third Interactive Seminar of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes in 2016

05. 12. 2016.

The third interactive seminar of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes for mediators and arbiters in 2016, planned within the framework of the Special Programme for the Training of Mediators and Arbiters, was held on 5 December 2016, starting at 10 a.m. in Belgrade, at the Palace of Serbia.The Seminar was organized for the purpose of professional development of mediators and arbiters as the key requirement for the efficient functioning of the legal and labour related protection and improvement of social dialogue.After the introductory speech of the Director of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes, Mile Radivojević mediators and arbiters were informed on the most common dilemmas in the judicial practice of labour disputes discussed by a judge of the Supreme Court of Cassation Predrag Trifunović. A lecture on the theme Cancellation of the employment contract was held by Ljubinka Kovačević, Ph.D., from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade and further cooperation between two institutions has been announced within the signed agreement on cooperation. Tanja Kljun from the Ministry of Interior held a lecture on the topic “Negotiation Skills in Practice”.[gallery columns="2" ids="1115,1113"]At the end of the seminar, representatives of the Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes presented together with representatives of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on the peaceful settlement of labor disputes with a discussion on proposed solutions. Present mediator and arbitres were asigned with the manual of International Labour Organisation – Profesional mediation in collective labour disputes.