25. 09. 2023.
In the course of September and upon invitation of its social partners the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes presented its own work, experience and competencies on multiple events.
On the conference entitled: " Efficient Appellate Mechanisms – Empowerment – Workers’ Voice in Serbia" organized by the Initiative for Global Solidarity and German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit) held on September 8 in Belgrade competencies of the Agency were presented to representatives of about twenty companies, trade unions and associations. Among many participants there were also Tomislav Žigmanov, Minister for Human and Minority Rights, Pierre Kramray, adviser for work and social issues at the Embassy of Federal Republic Germans to Serbia, Aleksandra Petrović, associate for human rights of the UN Team and Johanna Vollmeier from Initiatives for Global Solidarity.
Upon invitation of the Alliance of Trade Unions of Serbia, within the framework of workers sports games in Ohrid held from 5-7 September where over five hundred participants from whole Serbia were present, the Agency had an opportunity to present its own competencies. On the occasion the Agency received a Certificate of Appreciation for successful cooperation.
At the seminar entitled: "Capacity Building for Workers Organizations: Strengthening Negotiation Skills: "Win-Win" Negotiations" organized by the European Center for Worker Affairs (EZA) and RS BOFOS , on September 23 in Vrnjačka Banja, representatives of 11 countries and many more financial and banking institutions from of all over Serbia attended the presentation on the Agency competencies entitled: "What if, despite all efforts, conflicts in the process negotiations ensue? Advantages of peaceful settlement of labor disputes and mediation in labor disputes."