16. 11. 2018.
In the Public Housing Company “Kragujevac”, 269 individual labour disputes, initiated due to non-payment of food allowances during work and non-payment of annual leave allowance, have been successfully completed.
The management and the employees of the Public Housing Company “Kragujevac” gave a true example of socially responsible business and good practice in settling individual labour disputes peacefully, and not through court proceedings. In this way, unnecessary court and other expenses were avoided for both the employees and employers, while the employees have reached arbitration decisions within 30 days, all of which are of the same legal force as final court decisions.
The management and the employees have acted in accordance with the Recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia given by Conclusion 05 number 116-8060/2015 ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia", No. 67) and peacefully settled their dispute concerning the food allowance during the work and non-payment of the annual leave allowance for the previous period before the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes.