04. 12. 2020.
Through the Republic agency for peaceful settlement of labor disputes in the Clinical hospital center "Zvezdara" on December 4, a collective labor dispute was resolved with the New health union of Serbia and the employer over the implementation of the Special collective agreement for health institutions founded by the Republic of Serbia, autonomous province and local self-government ("Official Gazette of RS" No.106/2018).
A Recommendation on the manner of resolving a collective labor dispute was signed, and on the basis of which an Agreement on the settlement of a collective labor dispute will be drafted, which reached an agreement on all contenious issues. Representatives of the employer in CHC "Zvezdara" and the New trade union of CHC "Zvezdara" showed how the social dialogue between employees and the employer is conducted in the appropriate manner, deciding on the procedure of peaceful resolution of collective labor disputes in accordance with the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia that disputes sholud be resolved peacefully.