
Peacefully Resolved Collective Labor Dispute at „TAMIŠ DUNAV“ D.O.O. Pančevo

27. 04. 2021.

On 21 April 2021, after a successful mediation of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, a Recommendation on Peaceful Resolution of Collective Labor Dispute at „Tamiš Dunav“ d.o.o. Pančevo was signed as the employer’s premises.

The proposal for peaceful resolution of the collective dispute was submitted by the trade union of the „Tamiš Dunav“ d.o.o. Pančevo, where the collective agreement signing was the dispute subject matter.

The attending conciliator set up a Conciliation Board, according to the law. After two hearings of the Conciliation Board the opposing parties reached an agreement, and the dispute was peacefully resolved by signing the Recommendation on Peaceful Resolution of Collective Labor Dispute.

The „Tamiš Dunav“ d.o.o Pančevo employer and corresponding trade union showed openness to social dialogue and provided the grounds for harmonization of a new draft collective agreement to establish better working conditions for all employees.