23. 12. 2019.
With the help of Republic agency for peaceful settlement of labor disputes in the Institute for psychophysiological disorders and speech pathology "Prof. Dr. Cvetko Brajović” on December 18, the collective labor dispute of the employer with the New trade union of health workers Serbia over the conclusion of a collective agreement with the employer was resolved. A recommendation on the manner of resolving a collective labor dispute was signed, as well as an Agreement on resolving a collective labor dispute, which reached an agreement on disputed issues. Employer representatives in the Department of psychophysiological disorders and speech pathology "Prof. Dr. Cvetko Brajović "and the New trade union of health workers Serbia - New trade union of the Institute for psychophysiological disorders and speech pathology "Prof. Dr. Cvetko Brajović”, as well as the Trade union of employees in healthcare and social protection Serbia - Trade union organization of employees in the Institute for psychophysiological disorders and speech pathology“ Prof. Dr. Cvetko Brajović ", showed how the social dialogue between employees and employers is conducted in the right way, deciding on the procedure of peaceful settlement of collective labor disputes in accordance with the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, to resolve disputes peacefully.