
Participation of conciliators in collective bargaining - a useful mechanism for everyone, employer, employees and founder

27. 10. 2022.

Two recent cases of successful participation of conciliators in collective bargaining at the JP “Zavod za udžbenike nastavna sredstva” (Institute for Textbooks and Teaching Aids) and "HBIS GROUP Serbia Iron & Steel doo" once again highlight the importance of this mechanism for all stakeholders in collective bargaining, for the employer, employees and founder.

The Law on Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes stipulates that participants in the conclusion of a collective agreement can submit a request to the Agency asking for participation of a conciliator in collective bargaining in order to provide assistance and prevent the occurrence of disputes. That Request informs on the type of collective agreement, participants, place and time of negotiations, and the joint proposal includes the name and surname of the conciliator.

The conciliator in the collective bargaining process attends the negotiations, identifies proposals that are not in accordance with the law and other regulations and points them out to the participants, and also provides assistance to the participants in order to prevent any possible disputes.

Based on that premise, the agency was included in collective bargaining at the “Zavod za udžbenike nastavna sredstva” and "HBIS GROUP Serbia Iron & Steel doo", where the conciliators were present to contribute to the negotiations. Both employers and their employees, i.e. trade unions, in these companies represent positive examples of good practice and readiness for social dialogue, aimed at finding sustainable solutions in accordance with the regulations for all controversial issues.