20. 10. 2014.
The Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes reacted urgently and terminated the strike in PE ‘’National Park Djerdap’’Within the limits of its competence, the Agency reacted to the announced strike scheduled for November 18th, thus achieving the agreement on strike termination and involvement of Agency regarding the relieving of caseload pressure, for the purpose of stabilization of disrupted relations between the management and the employees.Association of independent and free trade unions and representative trade union have reached the Decision on strike initiation in order to protect professional and economic interests of the employees.After being informed on strike announcement, the Agency Director Mile Radivojević visited PE ‘’National Park Djerdap’’ together with his associates. Upon the discussion that lasted several hours, an agreement is reached to terminate the strike for the purpose of permanent stabilization of relations. The negotiation proceedings regarding the collective agreement conclusion were brought before the Agency.Since the reason for strike was dissatisfaction of the employees in terms of management treatment, which, according to the strike board, resulted in mobbing, discrimination, intimidation and other forms of insults to personal and professional integrity, 26 Proposals for settlements of individual labour disputes regarding the harassment at the workplace have been filed with the Agency.According to the Law on amicable resolution of labour disputes (‘’Official Gazette of the RS’’ 125/04 and 104/09), the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes continues to act according to the limits of its competencies.