
Agency delivered a presentation in Nišava Administrative District

18. 09. 2015.

The Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes delivered a presentation in Nišava Administrative District in order to introduce the concept of peaceful settlement of collective and individual labour disputes to social partners and interested public. Aleksandar Cvetković, PhD, Head of Nišava Administrative District and representatives of Nišava District Trade Union and Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, labour inspectors and the media attended the presentation.Director of the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes, Mile Radivojević, in his introductory statement, pointed out the fact that previous period in Nišava Administrative District was marked by numerous strikes, protests and other expressions of dissatisfaction due to infringement of workers’ rights. Initiation of strike or other court procedures related to labour is very expensive and usually very damaging form of fight for workers’ rights. In order to harmonize labour relations and provide right to dignified work, the audience was presented with the benefits of procedures before the Agency.With the consent of both parties to the dispute, workers and their employers have an alternative to settle labour dispute. Having in mind a 10-year-long experience and intellectual potential of conciliators and arbiters, the audience was advised to refer to the Agency and settle labour disputes amicably.Presentations were delivered by Ivica Lazović, MSc. Agency Deputy Director and Olga Vučković Kićanović, Agency Independent Advisor.