10. March 2025.
From March 4 to 6, 2025, a two-day training session for experienced conciliators and arbitrators of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes was held in Sokobanja. This training, organized with the support of the International Labour Organization (ILO), in partnership with the EU Delegation in Serbia and the German Cooperation in Serbia (GIZ), aimed to further strengthen the capacities and competencies of conciliators and arbitrators in Serbia.
The first day of training focused on the Irish system of labour dispute resolution and the role of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC). Participants were introduced to the legislative framework, the principle of voluntariness, industrial relations, and the right to strike, as well as the similarities and differences between the Irish and Serbian systems. WRC representatives presented their organization and services, with a special emphasis on the role of conciliators in collective disputes. Through case studies, specific examples from practice were analyzed, with particular attention given to collective agreements, their implementation, and compliance with labour legislation. This part of the training facilitated experience exchange and discussions on improving collective bargaining in Serbia.
The final day of training was dedicated to integrating internal grievance mechanisms into collective bargaining. Participants discussed the legal framework at both domestic and international levels, as well as the benefits of these mechanisms for trade unions and employers. Special focus was placed on practical aspects—how to create effective internal grievance mechanisms, how to advocate for them, and how to incorporate them into the collective bargaining process.
The exchange of experiences with Irish colleagues provided a deeper understanding of international standards and the application of best practices in peaceful labour dispute resolution.
By enhancing the skills of conciliators and arbitrators, the protection of labour rights in both the public and private sectors is improved, contributing to the creation of a more stable and just working environment in Serbia.
07. March 2025.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes marked 20 years of successful work at the international conference “Access to Justice in Labour Matters for All: Prevention and Resolution of Labour Disputes,” held on March 4, 2025, at the Metropol Hotel in Belgrade. The conference was organized with the support of the International Labour Organization and its projects aimed at strengthening social dialogue and labour justice in Serbia and the region.
This significant event brought together experts in labour law, social dialogue, and conciliation, as well as representatives of social partners and institutions, who joined the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes in celebrating two decades of the institution’s work.
The conference was officially opened by the Director of the Agency, Dr. Ivica Lazović, who spoke about the achievements and vision for the Agency’s further development. Participants were also welcomed by Ada Huibregtse, Chief Technical Advisor of the International Labour Organization, Zoran Martinović, Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran, and Social Affairs, Duško Vuković, Vice President of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, Zoran Ilić, Deputy President of UGS “Nezavisnost,” and Vesna Kovačević Stanković from the Union of Employers of Serbia.
In the opening addresses, the significance of developing a system for peaceful labour dispute resolution was highlighted, along with its role in stabilizing labour relations, reducing court disputes, and strengthening social dialogue in Serbia.
A special part of the conference was dedicated to awarding recognitions to partners who have contributed to the development of mechanisms for peaceful labour dispute resolution in Serbia.
During panel discussions, participants had the opportunity to hear experiences and best practices from experts from European countries such as Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Bulgaria, Belgium, as well as from the Western Balkans. The panels offered comparisons of different models of peaceful labour dispute resolution, with a particular focus on the development of regional and European networks of institutions in this field.
Participants were also introduced to the International Labour Organization’s guidelines for improving access to justice in labour matters, which represent an important step in the continuous advancement of legal and institutional frameworks for resolving labour disputes.
The celebration of 20 years of the Agency’s work confirmed that peaceful labour dispute resolution is a key instrument for a stable and fair working environment and that the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes remains one of the key pillars of this process in Serbia.
25. February 2025.
At the headquarters of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, from February 17 to 21, 2025, the Tripartite Technical Meeting on "Access to Justice in Labour Matters: Prevention and Resolution of Labour Disputes" was held, bringing together representatives from over 80 countries. This meeting was the first of its kind and marks a turning point in international efforts to focus on access to justice in the prevention and resolution of labour disputes.
Following intensive discussions and the exchange of diverse national experiences, a joint document was adopted, providing clear guidelines for future actions in this field. The document highlights key principles of effective and inclusive labour dispute resolution, in line with international labour standards and the principles of social justice.
The conclusions of the meeting unequivocally confirm that access to justice in labour matters is not only a legal issue but also a foundation for stable labour relations and social cohesion. To fully implement this principle, ILO member states were called upon to strengthen institutional capacities, improve judicial and non-judicial mechanisms, and ensure that all workers and employers have equal opportunities to protect their rights. Furthermore, they were encouraged to focus on continuous prevention of labour disputes by strengthening social dialogue and collective bargaining, which were recognized as the most effective tools for maintaining stable relations between employers and employees.
The role of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) was also examined as one of the key mechanisms for achieving efficient and fair labour justice. ADR was recognized as an important complementary model that can help ease the burden on court systems and enable faster and more cost-effective resolution of labour conflicts. Additionally, the need for further development and enhancement of these practices was emphasized, particularly through capacity-building for institutions and experts conducting peaceful resolution of labour disputes. Ensuring the voluntary nature of alternative processes and their compliance with international labour standards was identified as a necessary condition for their successful implementation in various legal systems.
Another important topic discussed was digitalization and the use of new technologies in labour dispute resolution processes. It was highlighted that online platforms and digital case management systems can improve accessibility and efficiency in providing labour justice. However, it is essential to ensure fairness and transparency in their implementation. A key challenge remains ensuring that technological innovations do not create additional barriers for the most vulnerable groups of workers.
With this initiative, the International Labour Organization has once again reaffirmed its crucial role in ensuring social justice worldwide. The meeting clearly demonstrated that the future of labour justice lies in strengthening preventive mechanisms, promoting social dialogue, and improving effective and fair dispute resolution mechanisms.
This represents a historic step forward in regulating one of the most critical aspects of modern labour law, and the conclusions of the meeting will serve as the basis for future regulatory recommendations within the International Labour Organization.
Among the participants was a delegation from the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes, which attended as an observer at the invitation of the International Labour Organization. The Agency’s representatives presented the Serbian model of peaceful labour dispute resolution, which has been successfully applied for 20 years. The Agency’s participation contributed to the quality of the meeting’s recommendations and to strengthening international cooperation in the fields of labour law and social dialogue.
11. February 2025.
A delegation of social partners from the Republic of Serbia, together with representatives of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes, visited the Republic of Portugal from February 2 to February 6, 2025. This visit was organized as part of the project "Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Republic of Serbia," implemented by the International Labour Organization with financial support from the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia.
During the visit, the delegation had the opportunity to familiarize itself with key institutions shaping labour and industrial relations in Portugal, including the Economic and Social Council (CES), the Directorate-General for Employment and Labour Relations (DGERT), the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), the Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment (CITE), and the Regional Labour Council (CRL). These institutions play a crucial role in regulating labour relations and strengthening social dialogue in the country.
Of particular importance for the work of the Agency was the visit to the Directorate-General for Employment and Labour Relations (DGERT), where the delegation had the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of practices in resolving collective labour disputes. During meetings with DGERT representatives, experiences were exchanged on mechanisms for dispute resolution, the role of tripartite dialogue, and ways to ensure the protection of labour rights through collective agreements and legislative initiatives.
In addition to institutional meetings, the delegation met with Portugal’s representative social partners, including the Portuguese Tourism Confederation (CTP), the Confederation of Commerce and Services (CCP), the Portuguese Industry Confederation (CIP), the Portuguese Farmers Confederation (CAP), as well as trade union organizations such as the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers (CGTP) and the General Union of Workers (UGT).
The delegation included representatives from the Employers’ Union of Serbia, the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, the UGS "Independence" Trade Union, the International Labour Organization, the Ministry of Labour, and the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes. The Agency was represented by Director Ivica Lazović and Draganа Andonovska, Head of the Group.
The exchange of experiences on collective bargaining, challenges in labour relations, and the roles of social partners in the modern economy will be valuable for the further reform of regulations and practices in social dialogue in the Republic of Serbia. Based on these insights, the delegation gained an understanding of mechanisms that can contribute to strengthening the dialogue between workers, employers, and the state.
The visit to Portugal marks another step in enhancing the capacity and role of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes in Serbia. The implementation of best practices can contribute to improving labour relations and strengthening social dialogue in our country.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes will continue to cooperate with international and domestic partners to further improve its work and support the development of social dialogue in Serbia.
10. February 2025.
In response to the Call for Applications for the Selection of Conciliators and Arbitrators, published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 97 of December 6, 2024, with a submission deadline of December 16, a total of 45 timely applications were received. The Selection Committee, formed upon the proposal of the Social and Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia, consisted of representatives from the representative trade unions—Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia and United Branch Trade Unions "Independence", the Union of Employers of Serbia, and the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The Committee was tasked with evaluating applications and selecting conciliators and arbitrators. Based on the decision of the Committee, the following candidates have been selected:
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes expresses its sincere appreciation to all candidates for their interest and participation in the selection process.
Based on the Committee's decision, the Agency will issue a Decision on the Registration of the Selected Candidates in the Official Register of Conciliators and Arbitrators. This decision will be officially published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia in the shortest possible time.
31. January 2025.
The collective labor dispute in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, conducted before the Agency regarding the implementation of the collective agreement, was successfully resolved through the signing of a joint recommendation. The dispute was initiated by the Serbian Police Union, while the other party, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, agreed to resolve the matter peacefully before the Agency.
Miljko Valjarević was appointed as the conciliator for the case. In accordance with the law, he formed a Conciliation Committee during the first hearing, comprising the conciliator as chair and representatives of both parties. After four hearings, the parties reached an agreement on the disputed issues, leading to the signing of a joint recommendation.
The employer and the union organization within the Ministry of Internal Affairs demonstrated that social dialogue between employees and employers can lead to effective solutions. By opting for the peaceful resolution of the collective labor dispute, they followed the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia to resolve disputes through dialogue.
26. January 2025.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labour Disputes has adopted the Specialized Training Program for Conciliators and Arbitrators for 2025.
The goal of this training program is to ensure the continuous improvement of skills and knowledge while standardizing the practices of conciliators and arbitrators in the field of peaceful settlement of labour disputes. This is a crucial prerequisite for the further development of this institution in practice and, consequently, for ensuring effective labour rights protection in the Republic of Serbia.
This program includes two training sessions for conciliators and arbitrators, as well as specialized individual training sessions. In addition to these, the Agency will organize trainings based on expert support from the International Labour Organization (ILO), in partnership with the EU Delegation in Serbia and GIZ (German Cooperation in Serbia). These trainings will take place in March 2025 in Sokobanja.
You can download the Specialized Training Program for Conciliators and Arbitrators for 2025 by clicking on the following LINK.
17. January 2025.
A joint recommendation on the resolution of a collective labor dispute was signed at the Public Broadcasting Institution Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), successfully concluding the process through the conciliation of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes. The collective labor dispute between the Independent Professional Union of RTV and Film Workers of RTS was resolved on January 13, 2025, with the adoption of a joint recommendation on the settlement of the dispute.
The process of peaceful resolution of the collective labor dispute was initiated by the Independent Professional Union of RTV and Film Workers, with the subject of the dispute being the implementation of the collective agreement.
By decision of the Agency's Director and in accordance with the law, Miljko Valjarević was appointed as the conciliator for the case. During the first hearing, he formed a Conciliation Committee consisting of representatives of both parties to the dispute.
Throughout the negotiations, both parties demonstrated a high level of understanding and mutual respect. After three sessions, a joint recommendation was agreed upon, outlining the resolution of all disputed issues. This recommendation was signed by representatives of both parties and the conciliator.
In line with the recommendation of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the employer and the union at RTS have set an example of commitment to social dialogue and the pursuit of compromise solutions through peaceful dispute resolution, ensuring the best interests of all employees.
11. December 2024.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes presented its work, organizational structure, competencies, and achievements at an international conference held on December 9, 2024, in Chișinău, Moldova.
The event was organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as part of the project "Effective Access to Labour Justice for All in the Republic of Moldova," aimed at supporting Moldovan institutions in establishing peaceful labor dispute resolution mechanisms.
Representing the Agency, Dr. Ivica Lazović, Director, introduced the participants to the institution’s experiences, the challenges it faces, and the results achieved so far. Dr. Lazović emphasized that the Agency is always ready to assist colleagues from Moldova in developing and implementing peaceful labor dispute resolution mechanisms.
In addition to Dr. Lazović, the conference featured speakers such as Cristina Mihes, a labor relations expert from the ILO, Judge Crizantema Panainte, who presented Romania’s labor dispute resolution system, and Prof. Dr. Daiva Petrylaite, who discussed labor dispute resolution in Lithuania.
The event gathered representatives of Moldova’s representative trade unions and employer associations, officials from the relevant ministry, and the ILO team working in Moldova. Participants had the opportunity to engage in discussions, exchange experiences, and ask questions, adding further value to this significant event.
02. December 2024.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes successfully organized its second interactive training session for conciliators and arbitrators this year on December 2, 2024. The event took place at the Palace of Serbia in Belgrade, featuring esteemed experts and practitioners in labor law.
In his opening address, the Agency’s Director, Dr. Ivica Lazović, briefed the conciliators and arbitrators on the Agency’s current activities, upcoming plans, and announced future training sessions. He highlighted significant projects aimed at enhancing social dialogue in the Republic of Serbia, in which the Agency plays a key role. Dr. Lazović reminded attendees that next year marks the Agency’s 20th anniversary, which will be celebrated appropriately and ceremoniously. He also discussed the forthcoming selection and re-selection process for conciliators and arbitrators, describing it as an excellent opportunity for further professional development in this field.
During the training, judges Predrag Trifunović, Persida Jovanović, Zorica Veljić, and Marko Radović presented current judicial practices in labor disputes. Professor Nataša Petrović Tomić provided insights into the theory of arbitration and its practical aspects. Mira Basta, Special Advisor to the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, spoke on the importance of social dialogue, collective bargaining, and the challenges associated with these processes. Olga Vučković Kićanović, an expert in labor law and conciliation, discussed workplace mobbing and negotiation techniques for resolving such disputes successfully.
In addition to knowledge sharing, the training offered opportunities for professional networking and discussions on improving the practice of peaceful labor dispute resolution. Conciliators and arbitrators actively participated by asking questions and engaging in dialogue during every segment of the session.
This training once again underscores the Agency’s commitment to strengthening the skills and competencies of its conciliators and arbitrators, with the overarching goal of continuously improving labor law security, fostering social dialogue, and promoting harmonious labor relations.
27. November 2024.
The traditional visit of final-year students from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, specializing in labor law, to the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes took place on November 27, 2024, at the Palace of Serbia. The visit was organized as part of the Cooperation Agreement between the Faculty of Law and the Agency, with the students accompanied by Prof. Dr. Ljubinka Kovačević and Teaching Assistant Mina Kuzminac.
The event was opened by the Agency’s Director, Dr. Ivica Lazović, who expressed satisfaction with the longstanding collaboration between the Agency and this higher education institution. He emphasized that the Agency's doors are open to students interested in exploring peaceful labor dispute resolution in their academic work or completing professional internships at the Agency. Dr. Lazović provided an overview of the historical development of the institution of peaceful labor dispute resolution and the Agency itself, highlighting comparative legal practices worldwide. He also shared the Agency's achievements, challenges, and vision for the future.
Dragana Andonovska, Head of the Legal and Professional Affairs Group, and Jelena Golubović, an advisor at the Agency, spoke about the Agency’s jurisdiction, principles, procedures, statistics, examples from its extensive practice, and ongoing processes of digitalization and digital transformation. Through practical examples, they demonstrated that even the most complex labor disputes can be resolved amicably, provided the parties are willing to cooperate, avoiding lengthy court proceedings.
The introduction to the Agency’s work concluded with a discussion with the students, during which they posed questions, shared opinions, and voiced observations about the Agency's work and alternative methods of labor dispute resolution in the Republic of Serbia.
25. November 2024.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes had the honor of participating in a workshop dedicated to innovations and the application of behavioral science in public administration, held on November 22, 2024, in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
This prestigious event was organized by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) as part of the project "EPSA 2023-24 – The European Public Sector Award", supported by the European Union. It brought together public administration representatives from Serbia, Ireland, Portugal, Albania, Italy, and the Netherlands, providing a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and gain new insights.
The lectures and interactive sessions were led by Professor Lars Tummers, a renowned expert in public management and behavioral sciences from Utrecht University. Participants were introduced to contemporary theories and practical examples of applying innovations in management. During the workshop, attendees worked on developing concrete innovation projects and analyzed how scientific findings could enhance the operational processes within their institutions.
Representing the Agency, the workshop was attended by Agency Director Dr. Ivica Lazović and Advisor Miloš Prokić, who actively participated in all program segments. A key value of the event was the exchange of experiences with colleagues from other countries, which will contribute to the further implementation of innovative solutions in the Agency's operations.
Participation in such workshops represents a significant step toward improving our services and strengthening our capacity for the peaceful settlement of labor disputes. The Agency remains committed to continuous advancement and the application of modern methods in its work.
15. November 2024.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes participated in a panel titled "Disputed Labor Issues," organized on November 15, 2024, by the Association of Legal Professionals in Economy and the Associations of Legal Professionals of Vršac, Bela Crkva, and Plandište. The panel was moderated by Dr. Nenad Grujić, Secretary General of the Association of Legal Professionals in Economy. Speakers included Dr. Ivica Lazović, Director of the Agency; Assistant Professor Dr. Filip Bojić from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade; and retired appellate court judge Zorica Veljić.
Mr. Lazović presented the mechanism of peaceful labor dispute resolution and highlighted the Agency's jurisdiction. He emphasized the benefits for employees and employers who choose to resolve disputes through the Agency instead of pursuing court proceedings. Dr. Lazović also stressed the importance of collaboration between the Agency and the professional community to ensure the most efficient resolution of disputes between employees and employers.
In addition to discussing peaceful dispute resolution as an effective mechanism for preventing and resolving disputes, the panel addressed topics such as misuse of sick leave, statute of limitations for contributions, termination of employment contracts due to breaches of work discipline, and the realization and protection of collective employee rights under domestic law.
At the conclusion of the panel, the President of the Association of Legal Professionals in Economy, Nataša Petrović Tomić, and the President of the Board of Directors of the Associations of Legal Professionals of Vršac, Bela Crkva, and Plandište, Igor Orta, signed a Cooperation Agreement between the two associations.
07. November 2024.
The cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Law at Union University in Belgrade and the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes was signed on Thursday, November 7, 2024. The agreement was signed by the Director of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, Dr. Ivica Lazović, and the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Union University in Belgrade, Prof. Dr. Violeta Beširević. The signing was also attended by Dr. Mila Petrović, an assistant professor at the Faculty and a conciliator for the Agency.
The signed agreement establishes collaboration between the Faculty of Law at Union University in Belgrade and the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, aiming to further develop and enhance the capacities of both institutions. This partnership enables conciliators and arbitrators to improve their skills while promoting the peaceful resolution of individual and collective labor disputes among students. Additionally, the agreement creates opportunities for exchanging information and experiences, participating in joint projects, and organizing seminars and professional gatherings in areas of mutual interest.
30. October 2024.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes presented mechanisms for the protection of labor rights within its jurisdiction at a two-day international seminar titled "Strengthening Social Dialogue - Due Diligence and Responsibility in the Supply Chain in the Context of Combating Human Trafficking and Labor Exploitation." The seminar was held in Belgrade from October 29-30, 2024, organized by the Trade Union of Construction Workers and Building Materials Industry of Serbia, ACVBIE from Belgium, and CNV Vakmensen from the Netherlands, with financial support from the European Union and the European Center for Workers' Questions (EZA).
The event brought together trade union representatives from Serbia, Belgium, and the Netherlands, as well as union members from Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia. Representatives from the International Labour Organization (ILO), Germany's GIZ, and the non-governmental sector also participated.
During the panel discussion titled "Due Diligence – Grievance Mechanisms and Procedures," Dragana Andonovska, Senior Advisor at the Agency, introduced the audience to the Agency's work and competencies. She emphasized that disputes before the Agency are resolved quickly, efficiently, and free of charge, making it the most effective external grievance mechanism for labor disputes after exhausting all internal mechanisms. She also shared examples from the Agency's practice, highlighting the cost savings achieved by disputing parties who opted for peaceful resolution.
In the subsequent discussion, participants had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify uncertainties about peaceful resolution of labor disputes and the Agency's role. Additionally, they heard experiences from union representatives who had utilized the Agency's services to resolve individual and collective labor disputes, gaining first-hand insight into the benefits of this external dispute resolution mechanism.
23. October 2024.
At the first "LEGAL PRO FORUM 2024," held from October 20th to 23rd at Zlatibor, a panel on "Long-term Corporate Value Creation" featured prominent experts in sustainable business practices and labor law. The panelists—Tijana Koprivica, Director of Sustainable Business at Delta Holding, Dr. Jovana Veličković, a lawyer from Belgrade, and Dr. Ivica Lazović, Director of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes—discussed the importance of long-term corporate value creation through the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) standards. The panel was moderated by Dr. Ljubinka Kovačević, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.
Dr. Ivica Lazović introduced the attendees to the work and responsibilities of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, emphasizing its role as an external mechanism when all internal dispute resolution options within companies have been exhausted. He also addressed the participants on the new regulations regarding due diligence in supply chains and their implications for business operations. Dr. Lazović presented examples of effective labor dispute resolution before the Agency, stressing that this mechanism is crucial for maintaining stability and fair relations in the labor market. The attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the potential application of these alternative mechanisms for protecting labor rights.
The panelists highlighted that sustainable development is a topic of the future, relevant to all companies regardless of size. It was concluded that collaboration between companies through experience sharing, as well as support from professional organizations, will be key factors in overcoming challenges on the path to meeting ESG standards.
17. October 2024.
A panel discussion titled "Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes – Arbitration and Conciliation" was held at the Bar Association of Vojvodina in Novi Sad on Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
At this highly engaging event, Prof. Dr. Senad Jašarević, Full Professor at the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad, Dr. Ivica Lazović, Director of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, and Dejana Spasojević-Ivančić, a lawyer, conciliator, and arbitrator, introduced members of the Bar Association of Vojvodina and the professional public to the methods and procedures for resolving both collective and individual labor disputes, the scope of arbitrators' and conciliators' authorities, and the types of decisions made in these proceedings.
Mr. Lazović presented the work, activities, and competencies of the Agency, emphasizing the important role of the Agency and its conciliators and arbitrators in resolving labor disputes, enhancing workers' rights protection, improving social dialogue, and adapting to new labor market challenges.
All speakers at the panel agreed that the future of labor dispute resolution lies in out-of-court methods, which are quick, simple, and efficient.
14. October 2024.
From October 8th to 10th, 2024, in Ruma (Borkovac), the "Study on Social Dialogue in the Republic of Serbia" was presented to social partners. Along with the presentation of the study, a workshop was held to validate its findings. The study was carried out as part of the project "Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Republic of Serbia," supported by the European Commission in Serbia and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Numerous experts and representatives of social partners participated in the workshop, including Dr. Ivica Lazović, Director of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, and Dragana Andonovska, Head of the Legal and Professional Affairs Group at the Agency. Among the prominent participants were Prof. Dr. Attila Sándor Kun from Budapest, Lejo Siebel from the ILO, and Ada Huitbragtze, who will lead the ESAP 3 project.
The workshop participants shared their views on the study, emphasizing the need for legislative changes regulating labor-related matters. Through collaborative efforts, they formulated general recommendations for improving social dialogue in Serbia.
The "Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Republic of Serbia" project will be implemented over the next year and is expected to significantly contribute to enhancing the state of social dialogue in Serbia. The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes played an important role in this workshop, actively participating in the development of general recommendations for improving social dialogue, reaffirming its importance in resolving labor disputes and strengthening tripartite dialogue in the country.
07. October 2024.
The XXVI International Scientific and Professional Conference of the Association for Labor Law and Social Security was held from October 2 to 5 in Zlatibor. This year's conference focused on the theme "Contributions to the Future Reform of Labor Legislation" and gathered a large number of eminent experts in labor law from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republika Srpska), North Macedonia, as well as representatives from the relevant ministry, the EU Delegation in Serbia, and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Serbia.
Dr. Ivica Lazović, Director of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, had the honor of opening the conference. In his opening remarks, he emphasized the importance of cooperation among all participants – state institutions, trade unions, employers, the academic community, and international partners – in achieving the common goal of modernizing labor legislation in line with European standards, while also considering the specificities of our social and economic context. Lazović highlighted that labor regulations are the foundation of social justice and economic development, and this conference contributes to reforms aimed at better protecting workers' rights, improving social dialogue, and adapting to new challenges in the labor market, including digitalization and globalization.
Alongside Mr. Lazović, Zoran Martinović, Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran, and Social Affairs, and Dr. Jovan Protić, Coordinator of the ILO Office for Serbia, also spoke at the opening. They announced a project titled "Empowering Social Dialogue in the Republic of Serbia" in which the Agency will play a significant role, aimed at fostering better understanding and cooperation among social partners. The project also plans to consider amending a set of laws to improve labor legislation in the Republic of Serbia.
During the working part of the conference, Mr. Lazović presented a paper on the topic "New Strike Law - An Important Reform Step" reminding attendees of the need for a new Strike Law as an important prerequisite for labor legislation reform. The first day of the conference began with presentations on topics related to social dialogue, collective bargaining, strikes, the impact of artificial intelligence on labor relations, as well as current issues in individual and collective labor relations. After the presentations, roundtable discussions were organized on the topic of social dialogue in Serbia and judicial resolution of labor disputes, featuring eminent experts, including Matthieu Penot, the EU Delegation's Attaché in Serbia, and Peer Krumrey, Advisor for Labor and Social Law at the German Embassy in Serbia.
The second and third days of the conference featured presentations on the labor status of freelancers, proposals for improving the employer change institute in labor legislation, disciplinary responsibility of employees, non-compete clauses, employment of persons with intellectual disabilities, flexible forms of employment, and a roundtable on the rights of workers on digital platforms in Serbia.
The thematic areas of the conference covered the entirety of labor law through the lens of all labor law institutions and practices in resolving labor disputes. The conference also offered new perspectives on current issues in labor legislation that support future reform.
25. September 2024.
At the ceremony held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, marking the anniversary of the Union of Employers of Serbia – 30 years since its establishment and operations, Dr. Ivica Lazović, Director of the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, was awarded a special recognition for long-standing support, contribution, and successful cooperation.
This recognition confirms the strong and successful cooperation, which has lasted for nearly two decades, in establishing dialogue, promoting justice, and finding solutions that benefit both the economy and employees.
In addition to the President of the Union of Employers of Serbia, Miloš Nenezić, those addressing the attendees included the President of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, Ljubisav Orbović, and the President of the United Branch Unions 'Nezavisnost,' Čedanka Andrić. During the ceremony, participants also had the opportunity to hear messages from Roberto Suárez Santos, Secretary-General of the International Organization of Employers, one of the most important voices on the global stage regarding the protection of employers' rights and the promotion of their interests.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes congratulates the Union of Employers of Serbia on this significant anniversary, with the belief that through continued good cooperation, a stable and prosperous system will be built, where rights and obligations are respected for the benefit of all.
18. September 2024.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes has taken part in the project "Empowering Social Dialogue in the Republic of Serbia" which aims to strengthen the position and rights of workers and enhance the capacities of the state administration. The project, implemented in cooperation with the International Labour Organization and the EU, was presented today, September 18, 2024, at the Metropol Hotel. Alongside our Agency, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran, and Social Affairs, representative trade unions (SSSS and UGS 'Nezavisnost'), and the Union of Employers of Serbia are also participating in the project.
This project aims to strengthen the position and rights of workers, enhance the capacities of social partners, state administration, national and local socio-economic councils, and the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes as a key body for dialogue and the use of alternative dispute resolution methods.
The project also foresees the improvement of the legal framework for strengthening social dialogue in the Republic of Serbia, with plans to amend a whole set of laws, including the Labor Law, the Strike Law, the Law on the Socio-Economic Council, and the Law on the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, all with the aim of modernization and alignment with the needs and demands of the modern labor market.
The event was opened by the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran, and Social Affairs, Nemanja Starović, who emphasized the importance of cooperation between trade unions, employers, and the state to improve social dialogue and enhance the status of workers.
The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Emmanuel Joffre, stated on this occasion that during the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear that the structure of work could change, setting new goals for improving work frameworks and models. He noted that this project promotes European standards and that by implementing it, Serbia is moving closer to those standards.
Other speakers at the event included Emmanuel Julien, Deputy Regional Director of the International Labour Organization for Europe and Central Asia; Zoran Mihajlović, Secretary of the Council of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia (SSSS); Čedanka Andrić, President of the United Branch Union 'Nezavisnost'; and Miloš Nenezić, President of the Union of Employers of Serbia.
The Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes will play a significant role in this project, which is expected to contribute substantially to enhancing the capacities of both the Agency itself and its conciliators and arbitrators, in the interest of all users of conciliaton and arbitration services.
A delegation from the Agency, led by Director Dr. Ivica Lazović, also attended the opening of the event.
30. August 2024.
Following negotiations, conciliated by the Republic Agency for the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, on August 30, 2024, an Agreement on the resolution of the collective labor dispute was signed between the 'Sloga' United Trade Unions of Serbia - Health and Social Care Trade Union and the General Hospital 'Sveti Luka' Smederevo, regarding the application of the collective agreement.
The procedure before the Agency was initiated ex officio, in accordance with the Law on the Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes. Immediately upon receiving the Proposal from the 'Sloga' United Trade Unions of Serbia - Health and Social Care Trade Union, Dr. Darko Božičić, the acting conciliator, in accordance with the law, formed a Conciliation Board at the first hearing, which included representatives of the parties in the dispute and the acting conciliator as the chairperson of the Board. After four hearings, during which the disputing parties presented their views and proposals, the parties first came closer and later aligned their positions on how to resolve the disputed issues. At the conclusion of the conciliation process, the acting mediator and the members of the Board determined the final text of the Joint Recommendation, which, in accordance with the law, was unanimously approved by all.
Based on the Joint Recommendation, representatives of the Trade Union and the General Hospital 'Sveti Luka' Smederevo concluded an Agreement on the resolution of the collective labor dispute.
By choosing to resolve the collective dispute through the Agency, with skillful guidance by the conciliator, Dr. Darko Božičić, the parties contributed to preserving social peace and good relations, demonstrating the advantages of peaceful resolution of collective labor disputes by enhancing social dialogue.
07. August 2024.
Serbia’s Construction Workers’ Day was marked today at the session of the Republic Board of the Trade Union of Construction Workers and the Building Materials Industry of Serbia.
The trade union representatives were greeted by the Director of the Agency, Dr. Ivica Lazović. He thanked them for the sincere partnership and quality cooperation that this union has had with the Agency for many years and emphasized the importance of the fact that trade unions recognize the Agency as the first address to turn to in the event of labor disputes with employers. Mr. Lazović underlined the importance of building trust between trade unions, employers, and the Agency. He highlighted as special values the fact that construction workers strive for collective bargaining and have a Special Collective Agreement, and that they turn to the Agency for all problems. This trust in the legal institutions of the Republic of Serbia adds a special quality to our cooperation. He then briefly informed those present about the Agency’s work results, emphasizing the benefits for all parties in the dispute if they choose to resolve the labor dispute peacefully.
Also addressing those present were Dušan Petrović, Secretary of the Socio-Economic Council of the Republic of Serbia; Maja Ilić from the Labor Inspectorate; Veselin Ražnatović, President of the Construction Workers in the Union of Employers of Serbia; and, as hosts, on behalf of the Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia as the umbrella organization, Secretary Zoran Mihajlović and President of the Union of Construction Workers and the Building Materials Industry of Serbia (SRGIGMS), Saša Torlaković.
The working part of the session followed, during which topics of importance to the Union and its membership were discussed.
15. July 2024.
In two recently concluded cases before the Agency, which were conducted regarding workplace mobbing at the University Clinical Center Kragujevac in Kragujevac and Planeta Sport d.o.o. in Belgrade, the parties involved reached a settlement and arbitration resolution.
The employer and employees at the University Clinical Center Kragujevac jointly submitted a proposal for peaceful resolution of a labor dispute to the Agency concerning mobbing. The parties in the dispute agreed on the selection of an arbitrator, and Miljko Valjarević was appointed.
After the hearing, both the employees and the employer demonstrated a high level of responsibility to resolve all contentious issues, leading to an agreement on all disputed points. The parties agreed not to belittle, undermine, intimidate, damage the professional reputation, health, safety, or dignity of the disputing parties or any employees of the employer in any way. All contentious issues were resolved through constructive dialogue and a desire to create a pleasant working atmosphere without disrupted interpersonal relationships. In the end, the parties reached an agreement that was confirmed by an arbitration resolution.
Additionally, a case involving an employee of Planeta Sport d.o.o. from Belgrade, who believed she was subjected to workplace harassment, was recently concluded before the Agency. She submitted a proposal to the Agency, which was sent to the employer for approval. The employer agreed to resolve the matter peacefully before the Agency, and the parties in the dispute agreed to appoint Dejana Spasojević Ivančić as the arbitrator. Only one hearing was needed to resolve all contentious issues, and the process was concluded with a handshake, in the interest of the greater good and the collective. Based on the agreement reached by the parties, the acting arbitrator issued an arbitration resolution.
These examples are just a few from the Agency's practice, confirming that it is the right place for anyone who believes they are experiencing workplace mobbing and a good alternative to the Law on Prevention of Workplace Harassment or lengthy court proceedings.
With the amendments to the Law on Peaceful Resolution of Labor Disputes in 2018, the Agency handles these cases by attempting to reconcile the parties and reach a mutually acceptable resolution for behaviors and relationships that someone perceives as harassment, while others may see as conflict, argument, or misunderstanding. In the interest of normalizing workplace relations, creating a positive working environment, avoiding lengthy court disputes, and preventing further disruption of relationships within the company, the Agency resolves these cases through agreements between the parties, which are confirmed by an arbitration resolution that is final and enforceable. It is commendable that an increasing number of employers and employees recognize the advantages of this procedure and place their trust in the Agency over lengthy court proceedings.
15. July 2024.
Through the Republic Agency for Peaceful Settlement of Labor Disputes, a collective labor dispute at the Health Center Valjevo was resolved by signing a joint recommendation. The collective labor dispute, concerning the right to union organization and activity, was initiated by the Trade Union of Nurses and Technicians of Serbia, and the other party in the dispute, the Health Center Valjevo, agreed to resolve the matter peacefully before the Agency.
The mediator, Dr. Mila Petrović, in accordance with the law, formed a Mediation Board during the first hearing, which included the mediator as the Chairperson of the Board and representatives from all parties involved in the dispute. Following the hearing, the parties in the dispute aligned their positions and reached an agreement on all contentious issues, leading to the signing of a joint recommendation.
The employer and the union demonstrated how social dialogue between employees and employers can lead to the right solution, opting for a peaceful resolution of the collective labor dispute in line with the Serbian Government's recommendation to resolve disputes peacefully.